Web service
We will use apache CXF in this session .We will create a simple web service and will use the same in by creating a web service client. I chose Apache CXF as it provides many features .Lots of documentation available on internet for Apache CXF.
In web service we create a method called
as web method and this method is exposed for remote access by specifying about
it definition, how to access it remotely using a wsdl. So a web service uses
the wsdl and calls the web method.
Configuring eclipse environment for creating a web service using Apache CXF
We will use version 2.7.0 for our configuration.
You can choose any version of your choice.
Firstly download Apache Cxf from here. This is their official site.
Please download the binary version of
the apache cxf.
Extract the zip file
to some location on your drive.
Now open your eclipse.
Go to windows, and then go to preference
Now click on Web Services and then click
on CXF 2.x Preferences.
Now in the right side of the window
click on Add button.
Browser you Apache CXF home
For example
Home location = D:\apache-cxf-2.7.0\
And apche-cxf-2.7.0 folder will contain
following directories
I have not mentioned them all. But the Home location will be as given above.
After finding the home folder, click on finish
Check the 2.7.0 Version in the CXF 2.x
Preferences and click on apply and then click ok
Go to windows again, and then go to preference
Now click on Web Services and then click
on Server and Runtime
In the right pane, select server runtime
as Tomcat v6.0 server and web service runtime as apache CXF 2.x
Click on apply and then on ok
Create a server by going to File, then to
new, then to other and then to server. Select apache tomcat 6.0 as server
Now we have configured apache cxf environment for creating a web service. Hope you were comfortable on settting up the environment.
You can find videos on youtube for
settting up environment for apache CXF in eclipse.
Now we will create web service.
Create a dynamic web project in eclipse.
I created a dynamic web project with
following setup done
a) Target
runtime as apache tomcat
b) Dynamic web
module version as 2.5
c) Configuration
as apache CXF web service. (This option visible only if you have configured cxf
in windows preference settings described above.
Click on Next
Click on Next now
Click on Next now
Select CXF Runtime (We have configured earlier, hence
appearing in this drop down)
Now click on Finish
Now we have created
a Dynamic Web Project as FirstWebService and Server as shown below:
Now it’s
time create a web service using FirstWebService Project
Create a
java class as WebService.java under package com.service in src folder and click on Finish
Now create a method inside the class as shown
package com.service;
public class Webservice {
public String
sayHello(String firstName) {
return "hello Mr." + firstName;
Now Right
click the Webservice class in Project explorer , then web services and then create
web services
You will
get the following window. Initially following setting are present .We will
modify them as required
Move the sliders to top position for Test Service and
test Client .Now click on web service runtime: Apache Axis marked with square
red box
Now following windows appears. Select Apache CXF 2.x as
we are using apache cxf in our web service and hit OK
Following setting we require after following above
steps. Also check the Monitor the web service option and hit Next
Check the User a Service Endpoint Interface
Check the Create a SEI and enter WebServiceSEI (you can enter a name of your choice)
Check the sayHello(String) method and Hit Next
Just Hit Next in below screen
I have unchecked the Generate separate XSD for the types
in below screen and Hit Next
Hit start server in below screen
Hit Next in below screen after starting the server.
Hit Next in below screen
Hit Next in below screen
Hit Next in below Screen
Check the second option as shown and Hit Finish in below
Following Screen appears in eclipse.
Let us test the web service before creating client with
already available interface. Later on we will create a client.
Click on sayHello
Click on Add and enter hari as argument to our function
sayHello and Hit Go
As seen in below screen we got response as hello Mr.
Now if you open the My web service project , you can see
all the generate class , wsdl file , beans.xml, and also in web.xml some code auto generated by
Open the wsdl
file and copy the link as show
And put it browser. You will get the wsdl of the web
service we have created. Notice that I have appended the highlighted link with ?wsdl
to see the wsdl file in browser. Wsdl file pronounced as wisdal file for
yeah it works..
thanks for ur upload
Please upload about communicate with webservices, means request and response.
Please provide spring hibernate configuration
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