Web Service Client Using Apache CXF 2.7.0
We have developed our simple web service using apache
For tutorials on creating web servince using apache cxf follow this tutorial
We will now see how to consume the web service in java using apache cxf . You can use any technology of your choice to consume the web service .We can use java , .net etc. Since we are using java , we will use cxf to build our client Application.
Create a dynamic web application in eclipse by going to
File , then to New , then to others and
then search and click Dynamic Web project
In our example we have created a web application named
as FirstWebServiceClient.
Now copy wsdl folder from FirstWebService to WebContent
Folder of FirstWebServiceClient
Following window will appear with default settings .
Modify them as required .Change the web service runtime from apache axis to CXF
since we are developing our client using apache cxf. You can also develop you client using apache
Here are the settings we have made. Then Hit Next. Notice
that in following screen , you can directly put the wsdl location url to
generate the client else in offline mode where we dont have url (http://localhost:3335/FirstWebService/services/WebservicePort?wsdl
) where the web service is running on , we use the wsdl file to generate our
Hit Next in following screen
Hit Next in following screen
In following screen Hit start server button
Hit Next in following screen
Hit Finish in following screen
Following screen in you project explorer, you can see
the generated classes. The class marked in blue color is your client classes
containing main method to start execution .Just open the class
Before running the class, make sure that the web service
we have created is running and working.
Now run the java class marked in blue color
Following output appears after executing the class
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