our own Certificate Authority (CA)
Download openssl software and install it in your system.
Add the bin directory of openssl installation to you system environment variable
path. Now openssl command can be
accessed from anywhere in the system folder.
Create the CA directory hierarchy
Create a new directory X509CA, to hold the new CA. This directory is used to hold all of
the files associated with the CA.
Under the X509CA directory, create the following
hierarchy of directories:
Create openssl.cnf file in X509CA directory.
Copy following content to openssl.cnf file
SSLeay example properties file.
This is mostly being used for generation of certificate requests.
ca ]
default_ca = CA_default # The default ca section
CA_default ]
dir = D:\\testssl\\X509CA # Where everything is kept
certs = $dir/certs # Where issued certs are kept
crl_dir = $dir/crl # Where the issued crl are kept
database = $dir/index.txt # Database index file
= $dir/newcerts # Default place for new
certificate = $dir/ca/new_ca.pem # The CA certificate
serial = $dir/serial # The current serial number
crl = $dir/crl.pem # The current CRL
private_key = $dir/ca/new_ca_pk.pem # The private key
RANDFILE = $dir/ca/.rand
x509_extensions = x509v3_extensions # The extentions to add to the cert
default_days = 365 # how long to certify for
default_crl_days = 30 # how long before next CRL
default_md = md5 # which md to use.
preserve = no # keep passed DN ordering
A few difference way of specifying how similar the request should look
For type CA, the listed attributes must be the same, and the optional
and supplied fields are just that :-)
policy = policy_match
For the CA policy
policy_match ]
countryName = match
stateOrProvinceName = match
organizationName = match
organizationalUnitName = optional
commonName = supplied
emailAddress = optional
For the ’anything’ policy
At this point in time, you must list all acceptable ’object’
policy_anything ]
countryName = optional
stateOrProvinceName = optional
localityName = optional
organizationName = optional
organizationalUnitName = optional
commonName = supplied
emailAddress = optional
req ]
default_bits = 1024
default_keyfile = privkey.pem
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
attributes = req_attributes
req_distinguished_name ]
countryName = Country Name (2 letter code)
countryName_min = 2
countryName_max = 2
stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name)
localityName = Locality Name (eg, city)
0.organizationName = Organization Name (eg, company)
organizationalUnitName = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)
commonName = Common Name (eg, your website’s
domain name)
commonName_max = 64
emailAddress = Email Address
emailAddress_max = 40
req_attributes ]
challengePassword = A challenge password
challengePassword_min = 4
challengePassword_max = 20
x509v3_extensions ]
open command and change directory to X509CA
the X509CA directory, initialize two files, serial and index.txt
To initialize the serial file in Windows, enter the following command:
echo 01 > serial
To create an empty file, index.txt, in Windows start Windows Notepad at
the command line in the X509CA directory, as follows:
notepad index.txt
In response to the dialog box with the text, Cannot find the text.txt
file. Do you want to create a new file? Click Yes, and
Close Notepad.
These files are used by the CA to maintain its database of
certificate files.
that the index.txt file must initially be completely empty, not even containing white
Create a self-signed CA certificate and private key
Create a new self-signed CA certificate and
private key with the following Command:
req -x509 -new -config X509CA/openssl.cnf
-days 365 -out X509CA/ca/new_ca.pem
-keyout X509CA/ca/new_ca_pk.pem
The command prompts you for a pass phrase for the CA private key
and details of the CA distinguished name.
We have
entered pass phrase as:
details entered are as follows:
Country Name (2 letter code) []:IN
State or Province Name (full name) []:Maharashtra
Locality Name (eg, city) []:Pune
Organization Name (eg, company) []:SSPL
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:SSPL OU
Common Name (eg, your websiteÆs domain name) []
Email Address []
You must ensure that the file names and location of the CA certificate and private key, new_ca.pem and new_ca_pk.pem, are the same as the values specified in openssl.cnf (see the preceding step).
You are now ready to sign certificates with your CA.
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