Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Reading Arabic Data from MS Access Database

Reading Arabic Data from MS Access Database 

Reading and writing data to/from Ms Access Database can be done using JDBC , Hibernate etc frameworks.

Problem: I had a requirement of reading arabic data from ms access database. We tried using hibernate , jdbc .Reading other  than arabic data could be read easily done using hibernate and jdbc .
But for reading Arabic Data is difficult in JDBC and Hibernate . It mostly gives ????? for Arabic data.That means for UTF-8 it was not possible for me . So we went for JACKCESS.

We could use  JACKCESS to read Arabic data for MS Access Database. 

Jackcess is a pure Java library for reading and writing MS Access databases. It provides a robust, cross-platform backend API allowing other developers to integrate MS Access support into their Java applications

Create a  dynamic web project in java.

Download Following Jars :

Put the above jars in your lib folder.

Create a database in microsoft acces with following detail.

Say  a database Name TestDatabase and in it a

table name user .

I have three columns id , name and age .

Now to access the data i have the following code sample :

package com.MSaccessArabicData;

import java.util.Map;
import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.Database;
import com.healthmarketscience.jackcess.Table;
public class MsDatabaseAccess {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
  try {
   Table table = Database
     .open(new File(
   for (Map row : table) {

    String name = (String) row.get("name");

    int age = (Integer) row.get("age");

  } catch (Exception e) {

Documentation for jackcess is available here.


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