1. Search inside json data that contains a key which is array.
e.g Json data stored in table (sports) column (json_data). The column "json_data" type is json{
"id": "112",
"name": "testName",
"sports": [
"id": "1",
"sportName": "football"
"id": "2",
"sportName": "cricket"
SQL Query :
SELECT * FROM public.sports r, json_array_elements((r.json_data -> 'sports')::json) obj
WHERE obj->>'sportName' = 'football' ;
2. Update sequence value in existing sequence
e.g "sports_id_seq" is a sequence name
SQL Query :
SELECT setval('sports_id_seq', 21, true);
3.Print message in a procedure or function
e.g When debugging we need to print some data use below statement
SQL Statement :
RAISE NOTICE ' sections %', column_value;
Output : sections 20